Well, when finals time comes around, this is pretty much the only way I can imagine the night before the test progressing:
9 pm: "I think maybe I'm gonna have a cup of coffee."
3 am: "GONna Get me some Red BUULLl reDBULLL"
5:30 am: "Do you know anywhere I can get like like ten grams of, ten grams of, andhyrous caffeine, caffeine? Andhyrdous....anhydrodus...androgenous...caff..."
2 pm: "Hi, uh, how much modafinil do you usually prescribe to sleep-deprived narcoleptics in charge of heavy military equipment? Okay, could I have five times that quantity injected directly into my bloodstream, please?"
I'm just kidding, by the way -- I stay away from Red Bull; it tastes horrible.
And wow, that was pretty link-heavy. Must be all the drugs.